I live in a great area where I can find gluten free treats easily. I will be dedicating many posts to local businesses that carry gluten free treats, snacks, food or restaurants. My office John L Scott is located right next to Flying Apron in Redmond. Flying Apron is a dedicated, certified, gluten free facilty. Many of the coffee houses and local stores carry their treats but there is nothing like walking into a wonderful gluten free bakery and knowing you are safe.
So many wonderful tasting treats, homemade soups, fresh pressed juices, breads, scones, cookies, muffins, cupcakes and my favorite the cakes. Oh my the cake! I recently found out the Redmond Flying Apron hosts a Meet Up every month. Where you can meet others, eat some wonderful treats and listen to speakers. I highly recommend checking them out and trying their cake
There is nothing like a good gluten free baked good with a cup of coffee I love where I live!